Serving White County in Central Arkansas

Enriching Your Life... Empowering Our Community

Computers are available at all branches. Check your location’s web page regarding guidelines for use.

Access is free with a limit of 1 hour per session, and 2 hours per day. You must sign in each time you use a public internet computer. At Searcy, Bald Knob, Judsonia, and Beebe you must sign in at the computer station with your library card number.

  • WiFi access at all our branches
  • You must pick up an Acceptable Use Policy and a password to use our services. 
  • Email access is allowed.
  • All terminals have word-processing software for document preparation.
  • Printing is available at all library branches. 
  • Internet use is not permitted for patrons under 18 years of age unless accompanied by an adult parent or guardian. Minors ages 16-17 may use library public access computers if they have an Internet Permission Form for Minors signed by a parent or guardian on file.