Serving White County in Central Arkansas

Enriching Your Life... Empowering Our Community

kid at computerThe White County Regional Library System is excited to partner with public schools in White County to provide their students with a library eCard!   The ecard provides access to free educational resources in class or anywhere internet access is available. The educational resources identified on this page are free to access with a student eCard.  Note: All White County Regional Library System library card holders also have free access to these resources.

Student eCard Resources

  • Today’s Science (Infobase) - Includes thousands of original articles written by scientists covering important advances in biology, chemistry, environmental science, space, physics, and technology. Bridges the gap between the science taught in the classroom and the science students read and hear about in the news.

Download eBooks, eAudiobooks and more for your smartphone, Kindle, Nook, iPad, or most any other ereader or tablet.  Use the 14-digit library card number on the back of your Student eCard to set up your account. Downloadable materials expire automatically so items are never overdue! View/print our detailed instructions, then learn more on our Digital Library Services pageHaving trouble or need help getting started? Ask your school or public librarian or call our Library Director.

  • Science Online (Infobase) - Provides expertly researched content on core science subjects and in-depth overview essays on key science topic. Includes more than 1600 resources including images, videos, experiments and self-paced learning objects.

ABC-Clio Search Platform - Unified search platform for all 12 ABC-Clio databases including: American Government, American History, Daily Life through History, Health and Wellness Issues, Pop Culture Universe, the African American Experience, the American Indian Experience, the Latino American Experience, United States Geography, World Geography, World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras, and World History: The Modern Era. Funding provided by Arkansas Department of Education.

World Book Early World of Learning **  -  Stories and Games, Reading Practice, Interactive Encyclopdia

worldbookstudentWorld Book Student ** - 40,000 articles, comprehensive multimedia collections; Citation     builder and research guides

worldbookkidsWorld Book Online for Kids ** (K-8th grade)

worldbookadvancedWorld Book Advanced ** - Online encyclopedia; comprehensive multimedia collections; Citation builder and research guides

AR Bookfinder - Accelerated Reader Book Index to find a book's reading level and point value.

culturegramskidsCultureGrams Kids ** - Learn about countries around the world.  Historical timelines, and fun facts, along with sections on history, population, “life as a kid,” games and sports, education, and more


culturegramsstatesCultureGrams State Edition ** - Learn about States in the U.S. ; Maps, flags, and symbols, as well as sections on history, economy, geography, population, Native Americans, and recipes

CultureGramsCultureGrams World Edition  **- Middle school and High School. Delivers an insider's perspective on daily life and culture, including the history, customs, and lifestyles of the world's people--over 200 countries

enciclopedia estudiantilEnciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos **- World Book's content, rich media, and interactive features in Spanish for young learners.

Encyclopedia arkansasEncyclopedia of Arkansas  - History, culture, and geography of Arkansas; Media Galleries; This Day in Arkansas spotlight

Pronunciator -  Provides language learning experiences with step-by-step lesson plans for 163 languages, ESL courses for 146 native languages, American Sign Language courses, and classes for children. *First time users are encouraged to create a profile in order to best use this resource.

ScienceJournalsScience Journals  **- Definitive resource for students studying both the applied and general sciences.

sirs issues research logoSIRS Researcher ** - Article selections about current issues from more than 2,000 sources from around the globe. - Website that offers the opposing viewpoints of dozens of controversial issues

Driver's Education Program -Includes practice tests (theory part) for the Arkansas car, motorcyle, and commercial driver's license (CDL)

eLibraryeLibrary Guided Research  ** - Middle School and High School. Arts & Crafts, Math & Science, Social Studies & Famous People

Student eCard Frequently Asked Questions

It is a library program that promotes digital and information literacy skills, directing users to reputable resources for academic success.

 Individual cards are issued to all students of the participating school district unless they have opted out to receive a card during school preregistration. 

Ask your school librarian for a library eCard application. Here are some:

Bald Knob Schools eCard Application

White County Central Schools eCard Application

Students may purchase a replacement card for $1 at any branch of the White County Regional Library System. 

eCards can be used only for online resources and downloadable materials.  However, students may also apply for an addtional ALL-ACCESS Card at any branch of the White County Regional Library System.  A parent or legal guardian must be present and show proof of address with a photo ID for students under the age of 16.

Additional questions may be directed to our Library Director.

About Traveler

Many of the resources listed are part of the Arkansas Traveler Database project.  These are marked with ** next to the title.  The Arkansas Traveler Database project is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services to the Arkansas State Library under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act. 



Additional state funds are provided by the Arkansas Department of Education.